XP, SP3, Visual Styles, uxtheme.dll #

Installed SP3, a bit to much backing up for my liking. After using XP for more that five minutes i think anyone with the least intelligence realizes that having the XP disk is important and alway backing-up (preferably on a external disk) everything as they are going to need to reinstall XP every few months. Everything went OK except my theme was well messed up, bugga. After trying a few things i realised SP3 replaced my patched uxtheme.dll (uxtheme.dll by default prevents users from installing themes that are not digitally signed by Microsoft). Quick Google search found Windows XP SP3 Patched UxTheme.dll [6.0.2900.5512], downloaded, patched and everything is fine.

P.S., The theme i use is the very elegant GSM VS.

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

May 2008


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