Geek Porn (USB style) #

My USB thumb drive is cool. i just recently encrypted the whole thing (well 3.50GB of the 4.00GB), i had it unencrypted for a long time and i didn't install a few plugins in Portable Firefox because of this, if i had lost the drive, the finder would have had access to all me passwords (including this blogs password) as i am quite lazy and let Firefox remember all my passwords. Pidgin stores it's password file in plain text so the finder would also have had all my IM passwords, not good.

Desktop to begin with.

The USB drive is U3 which means it pretends to be a CD when plunged in so it can autorun. i have set it to autorun a *.cmd file (XP *.bat file) so it can run a few commands. When you plug in a U3 drive there is actually two drives. the CD drive and the data drive, i installed SmithTech App Launcher (ISO for U3 drives) on the "CD" drive and set it to run "Gear/jGo.cmd" on the data drive.

This is jGo.cmd:
@echo off

TrueCrypt /v v /l v /m rm /a /q
CMD /c V:\Gear\vRUN.cmd


As you can see this runs truecrypt (in traveler mode) to mount an encrypted file called v as drive V:\ (i chose V:\ as i heard some people change all their CD drives to something like X,Y or Z so no matter how many HDs/USB keys they attach to their PC their CD letters never get messed up, V:\ seemed like a drive letter no one would choose).

jGo.cmd running truecrypt which is asking for the password.

Once the volume is mounted the next command runs another *.cmd file (vRUN.cmd) on the V:\ drive.

This is vRUN.cmd:
@echo off

rem start /wait /d "Gear\backup" bakup.exe
start StartPortableApps.exe
start /d "Gear\RK" RKLauncher.exe


As you see this just runs StartPortableApps.exe (XrX Portable Apps Menu Mod) and RKLauncher.exe, (backup.exe is remarked out, more on what that is later). i could put a lot more commands in there if i wanted. That is the good thing with running a *.cmd file as opposed to running a program (*.exe), lots of commands.

XrX Portable Apps Menu Mod running (it changes the XP wallpaper, cool) with the very nice Moonito 01 theme by jorgito.

Also runs a nice little OSX like menu thing called RK Launcher which is simple and handles relative paths nicely.

Programs used:
SmithTech App Launcher (ISO for U3 drives)
XrX Portable Apps Menu Mod
RK Launcher

Useful site for apps:
the Portable Freeware collection
PortableApps Theme Central
my U3 tag (:

The bakup.exe program that doesn't run in vRUN.cmd is interesting, is is basically a bat file that runs a few programs to swipe Windows/IM/network passwords from the PC you plugged the USB key into, and copies them to a text file, it even copies the IE/Firefox history. It is based on the USB Switchblade from the podcast Hak5. It is a *.exe file because there is also a shortcut to it on the PortableApps Menu, one problem i found with the PA menu is it's can't run cmd/bat files so a quick google search found Bat_To_Exe_Converter.exe, name says it all.

To unmount the V:\ drive i made a unmount.cmd:
@echo off

TrueCrypt /d V /q


Once unmounted all that is left is a 3.50GB encrypted file called v, with all me stuff safe inside it. Of course this file is backed up on my desktop PC so if i ever did lose the key i just get a new one and copy it onto that.

Stay safe (and secret) ^_~

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 2008


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